Role of CO2 Purification in production of blue hydrogen

CO2 Purificatiion Carbon Capture

Find out what role CO2 Purification has in the production of blue hydrogen

In the discussion around the CO2 footprint, the hydrogen produced is divided into different colours, depending on the respective production process. During #H2 production from #naturalgas (#steamreforming), the resulting carbon dioxide can be captured and purified. This prevents the #CO2 produced during the production of the so-called "blue" hydrogen from being released into the atmosphere. A special CO2 Purification even makes it possible to use it in the beverage and food industry.

Did you know that this kind of CO2 Purification is also one of our core competences? We can look back on decades of experience in this field. We reliably take care of the treatment of this gas in order to provide CO2 as carbonic acid, especially for the food industry.

ReiCat CO2 Purification takes place by catalytic oxidation, in particular hydrocarbons are removed. CATOX – this energy-efficient purification meets the highest quality standards. For you, this means optimising quality and at the same time avoiding CO2 emissions. You benefit from the high availability of the purification system in continuous operation and its simple integration.

Gas Purification for highest demands – find out more here: or get in touch directly:

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